I tried to fetch 50 products from a database with the highest price but if i set the LIMIT at 50 it's just fetching the first 50 products order by the price. This is not what i want. How can i setup the mysql query right or should i fetch all and set the limit in the php fetch_assoc()?
SQL Query:
SELECT id, product_name, product_url, product_price, product_delivery_time, product_on_stock, product_language, product_type
FROM product
WHERE is_active = '1' AND not product_price = 'N/A'
AND product_price > (SELECT max(product_price) from product)
I tried different SQL queries but without success. I'm not familiar with sub-queries and i think somewhere their is the problem.
Order by price. Without any knowledge of the schema this could help.
order by price desc limit 50