I'm struggeling on setting up a STM32-F429ZI MCU (Nucleo 144 board) to generate following PWM pattern: First channel with a variable frequency and 50% duty cycle - at least I've got this working - Second channel giving a pulse with each 20th pulse of channel 1. This is not primary a coding problem but a understanding problem of timer settings i guess (working with STM32CubeIDE). I would bet there is real simple solution... I Think there is no way to do this with only 1 timer? I'm pleased for any suggestion...
I already tried with TIM2 as clock source for TIM3 and 4 but couldn't manage to make them synchonize.
For better illustration of what I want to do:
I't not sure, if it could be done with two timer synchronization (the pitfall is variable frequency of the first timer). But you can use single timer+DMA to rewrite configuration of the second channel: