I am running a script that stores the collected data in csv. It's working like that:
$responce = Excel::store(new UsersExport($formatted_data), 'fileName.csv', null, \Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV);
And that's my class:
class UsersExport implements FromArray
protected $invoices;
public function __construct(array $invoices)
$this->invoices = $invoices;
public function array(): array
return $this->invoices;
So far the filename is hardcoded and I want to make it dynamic. It should be changed with the year and the month every time I run new export (2020-01.csv or something like that) The script is running with two parameters - year and month.
protected $signature = 'select:values {--year=} {--month=}';
In the where clause I am filtering like that:
->whereMonth('ut', $this->option('month'))
->whereYear('ut', $this->option('year'))
Tried with
Excel::store(new UsersExport($formatted_data)->withFilename()
But it does not work...I have not found something similar to my solution so far. Any ideas on how to fix that? Thanks!
My solution is: With simple php concatenation...
$fileName = $this->option('year')."-".$this->option('month').".csv";
And putting the variable in the export like this:
$responce = Excel::store(new UsersExport($formatted_data), $fileName ,null, \Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV);