use v6.d;
my Str $foo = 'Hello';
my constant $BAR = "--$foo--";
say $BAR;
Use of uninitialized value element of type Str in string context.
Methods .^name, .raku, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block at deleteme.raku line 4
The same thing happens without the my
or with our
in place of my
[187] > $*DISTRO
macos (12.6)
[188] > $*KERNEL
[189] > $*RAKU
Raku (6.d)
The value assigned to a constant
is evaluated at compile time, not runtime. This means that constant values can be calculated as part of the compilation and cached.
Regular assignments happen at runtime. Thus, in:
my Str $foo = 'Hello';
my constant $BAR = "--$foo--";
The assignment to $foo
has not taken place at the time "--$foo--"
is evaluated. By contrast, if $foo
were to be a constant, the value is available at compile time and interpolated, so:
my constant $foo = 'Hello';
my constant $BAR = "--$foo--";
say $BAR;