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How To use the gspread backoffclient in the authorize method to avoid quota exceeded error?

I tried with the following code.

    scope = ["",

    creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name("credentials_g4a.json",scope)

    client = gspread.authorize(creds, client_factory=gspread.client.BackoffClient)

It throws the unexpected keyword error:

authorize() got an unexpected keyword argument 'client_factory'.

Any help is appreciated. thanks.


  • Hi in order to use this new beta feature, you must have gspread in version 5.5.0

    Make sure you installed the minimum version. You can make sure of that using the following command:

    python -m pip install gspread==5.5.0

    The error message you have suggested that you have an older version of gspread that does not handle that new beta feature.