please do your magic. I am using Nuxt3, and use pdfmake library in it. I have successfully built the project with command: npm run build
When I run it with: npm run dev, it works normally. But after I built it, then I tried to run it with: node .output/server/index.mjs. It occurs error like on the screenshot below.
I have no clue at all, I don't know how to fix it. Please guys help, I am very open to another alternative solution. Thank you so much.
In the code, I import it like this:
import pdfMake from "pdfmake/build/pdfmake";
it failed. But after I change it to this:
import pdfMake from "pdfmake/build/pdfmake.js";
it works.
I have no idea how it be like that. Someone may be can explain, please?