I imported sent_tokenize from nltk.tokenize and thus use the method called sent_tokenize(input). Below are the the solutions and function I've used to solve this but I keep on getting failed. I tried looking on the net and tried to understand every method used out there but still it's not working. I have no idea what I did wrong ? Please help.
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
def tokenise(input, expected_output):
input = "Excuse me, where can I find a chicken rice shop?"
expected_output = ['Excuse me', 'where can I find a chicken rice shop']
result = sent_tokenize(input)
print('Pass' if result == expected_output else 'Failed!')
# Please make sure all test cases return 'Pass'
tokenise(tcase1, tans1)
tokenise(tcase2, tans2)
tokenise(tcase3, tans3)
print('Pass' if result == expected_output else 'Failed!')
Test case 1:
Input: Excuse me, where can I find a chicken rice shop? Expected output: ["Excuse me", "where can I find a chicken rice shop"]
Test case 2:
Input: OMG!!! It is Friday....where should we go for dinner? Expected output: ["OMG", "It is Friday", "where should we go for dinner"]
Test case 3:
Input: He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready. Expected output: [“He’s nervous”, “but on the surface he looks calm and ready”]
Other than the overwriting of your function arguments inside the function and the variable naming issue, your code is working exactly as it should.
splits full sentences. Ellipsis and commas are not punctuation that end sentences and so there will be no split
for those characters.
Your code, but working:
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
def tokenise(inp, expected_output):
res = sent_tokenize(inp)
print(res, 'Pass' if res == expected_output else 'Failed!')
# Please make sure all test cases return 'Pass'
#Test case 1:
tokenise("Excuse me, where can I find a chicken rice shop?", ["Excuse me", "where can I find a chicken rice shop"])
#Test case 2:
tokenise("OMG!!! It is Friday....where should we go for dinner?", ["OMG", "It is Friday", "where should we go for dinner"])
#Test case 3:
tokenise("He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready", ["He’s nervous", "but on the surface he looks calm and ready"])
Each of these return Failed!!
as I would expect they should.