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How can I freeze the first column and the first row with a scrollable table on R markdown?

I would like to block the first row AND the first column in a Kable or flextable table on a Rmardown file for html. The subject has already been discussed on SO but there is no answer. I don't want to use the DT package.

Maybe there would be a way to adapt the scroll_box function (kableExtra package)? Or to modify the concerned cells? I don't have HTML skills to do this.

Thank you in advance for your help!


  • The creator of the flextable package added this option for html reports. This does not exist on the kableEtra package or any other package as far as I know.

    dat <- lapply(1:30, function(x) rnorm(n = 50)) %>% 
      setNames(paste0("colname", 1:30)) %>%
    ft_1 <- flextable(dat)
    ft_1 <- set_table_properties(ft_1, 
                                 opts_html = list(
                                   extra_css = ".tabwid tbody tr > :first-child {position: sticky;z-index: 1;left: 0;background: #ddd;}",
                                   scroll = list(height="500px")))