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liferea: change text size using liferea.css

I have downloaded sample css file:

and I am trying to change the font size of:

  1. the feed name in the left pane (feed list)
  2. the headline in the top right pane (headline)

see red markings on attached screenshot: enter image description here

so far, all changes I have tried in liferea.css only affect the bottom right pane, which displays the actual page content

How can I change the text size in liferea of the feed list, and the headline?

I have found similar questions on the liferea mailing list, but they only point to editing the liferea.css file, without explaining which property has to be changed:

I am using liferea 1.12.6 on Debian 10.


  • Liferea is not an Electron app. You cannot style its interface with CSS, because they are not made with HTML. (Imagine that! One would have thought the lower memory consumption might have clued you in.)

    Well, this is not exactly true. GTK 3 supports styling with a language sufficiently similar to CSS (and even called ‘CSS’ in many places in the documentation) that you would be forgiven for thinking it actually is CSS; but it doesn’t actually style an HTML or even XML DOM tree. GTK 3 allows installing per-user custom styles by putting them in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gtk-3.0/gtk.css. With GTK 3.24, the following should affect font sizes in both panels after restarting Liferea:

    treeview {
        font-size: 14pt;
    treeview#itemlist {
        font-size: 18pt;

    However, those styles will be applied to every GTK 3 app on your system; they are not restricted to Liferea only. You should expect every single tree view in every application to be affected by the first rule, and possibly by the second rule. Perhaps there is a way to load a GTK ‘CSS’ style just for a single application, but it would be considerably more involved.

    If you ask me, better just set font sizes in GTK settings globally.