With this code i want to fetch locations of the VMs in Azure and then replace the locations with short names as shown in hash table. At the end i want to have them in a csv format. But getting the error of System.Collections.Hashtable How can i possibly do it as i am not a programmer and know very little about PowerShell scripting. function get-locations {
$vmDetails = Get-AzVM
$locations = $vmDetails.location
$locations = @ {
"westeurope" = "weu"
"northeurope" = "neu"
"germanywestcentral" = "gwc
$locations | Export-Csv "C:\Azure Virtual Machines details_$(Get-Date -f dd.MM.yyyy).csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force }
In it's simplest form could this be what you are looking for:
$vmDetails = Get-AzVM
$locations = $vmDetails.location
$THEHASHMAP = @{ "westeurope" = "weu"; "northeurope" = "neu"; "germanywestcentral" = "gwc"; "centralus" = "cus"}
@( foreach ($vm in $vmDetails) { @{Location=$THEHASHMAP[$vm.location]; VMNAME=$vm.Name} }) | Export-Csv "test4.csv"
cat test4.csv