I have two tables: postavka and detail. I need to add an autogenerated column to postavka which is generated from multiplying postavka.count
on detail.price
(detail selected by detail field in postavka).
I created script ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS public.postavka ADD COLUMN total_price double precision GENERATED ALWAYS AS (postavka.count * (select price from detail where (postavka.detail == detail.id)) STORED;
but it is incorrect. How I must change this to be valid?
columns can only refer to other columns of the same table, so it is not relevant in your case.
You can do the job with a trigger function :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION before_insert_update_postavka() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
SELECT NEW.count * price
INTO NEW.total_price
FROM detail
WHERE id = NEW.detail ;
END ; $$
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER before_insert_update_postavka BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON postavka
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION before_insert_update_postavka() ;