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Fetching recordset from array

I'm having a column in postgresql (Table-Information) containing json format data inside an array. The column also contains NULL data Like:






[{"city":"Bhopal","state":"Madhya Pradesh","country":"India"}]

I want to convert it into a table with keys as column name and values as rows.


city state country

Mumbai Maharashtra India

Pune Maharashtra India

Bhopal Madhya Pradesh India

How to get the desired output

I used unnest but it's not working, while have to hard code data for json_to_recordset.


  • unnest applies to sql arrays. For json arrays you have to use json processing functions

    If all your json records have the same set of keys, then you can use json_populate_record after having created dynamically the right composite type :

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE create_composite_type() LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
      column_list text ;
      SELECT string_agg(DISTINCT quote_ident(key) || ' text', ',')
        INTO column_list
        FROM mytable
       CROSS JOIN LATERAL json_object_keys(location->0) AS key
       LIMIT 1 ;
      DROP TYPE IF EXISTS composite_type ;
      EXECUTE 'CREATE TYPE composite_type AS (' || column_list || ')' ;
    END ;
    $$ ;
    CALL create_composite_type() ;
    SELECT (json_populate_record( null :: composite_type, location->0)).*
      FROM mytable;


    city country state
    Mumbai India Maharashtra
    Pune India Maharashtra
    Bhopal India Madhya Pradesh

    see dbfiddle