i have a couple of packages which I need to install from artifactory and a couple of them need to be downloaded from the public pypi.org, my pip.conf
file looks like this:
index-url = https://xx/artifactory/xxx/simple
extra-index-url = https://xxx/artifactory/xxx/simple (# this is a mirror of pypi)
Theoretically this should work, because anything that's not in the first url, it'll check the mirror of public pypi and download from there, but when i try to download packages in the requirements.txt
file, it couldn't find the package behave
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement behave==xxx(from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for behave==xxx
Am i missing anything here?=
Do refer to this screencast to set up pip with Artifactory. Moreover, the issue seems to be related to the index-url which should be as below,
index-url = https://myart.jfrog.com/artifactory/api/pypi/pypi-virtual-repo/simple