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Python Pulp Solver: How to use compare signs (>= or <=) as variables in equation?

Hello I am trying to develop a Python Pulp Linear Programming solver which is not hard-coded but instead takes all input from the user. I have successfully done the part of objective function but I am having problem with the constraint equation part.

here's a part from my code:

sym = input("Enter constraint symbol '>=' or '<=' or '=': ")
op = operatorlookup.get(sym)
prob += lpSum([1*descVar[0] + 1*descVar[2]]) op 200, "Min boys models"

The operator lookup class returns the operator used:

operatorlookup = {
    '+': operator.add,
    '-': operator.sub,
    '=': operator.eq

My Problem is how can I assign the symbol >= or <= in the equation without getting the syntax error? A hardcoded constraint would be written like this:

prob += lpSum([1*descVar[0] + 1*descVar[2]]) >= 800, "CaloriesMinimum"

I cannot use the + or "" because it outputs an error. Any help will be appreciated thank you


  • assuming

    import operator
    op =

    Python doesn't interpret variable as operator so 5 op 2 doesn't work. But operators in operator module are functions and can be executed as such:

    op(5, 2)  # equivalent to 5 >= 2