I am trying to use Swagger Codegen to generate model classes for my spring boot project. I found some references online and included the following plugin in my pom.xml:
I run mvn install
and the classes are generated in the directory /target/generated-sources/openapi
. But I am unable to import these generated classes in my REST controller class.
My understanding is that the <modelPackage>
field is used to identify the package in which the generated classes have to be placed. Am I right about this?
Even though these generated classes are in the right package, since they are not in the src/main/java
, i am probably not able to import them in other classes.
Is there way to get these generated classes under the src/main/java
directory or am I missing something in the maven config due to which these files are unavailable to other classes ?
I also wanted to achieve what you were trying and although I fumbled initially I figured it out eventually, I did not have to do anything special. One caveat is that I used swagger-codegen-maven-plugin
instead of the openapi-generator-maven-plugin
Here is how my configuration look like on the day of latest version
version 3.0.35
. When I ran mvn compile
all my classes were generated in the target folder and src main java was marked as sources folder. I was directly able to implement my own controller directly in the project by referencing the generated code API. Tbh the documentation of swagger-codegen-maven-plugin
is not the best , I had to look at several places to make sense. Adding some references
General Configuration parameters: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/tree/master/modules/swagger-codegen-maven-plugin
Config Options: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/issues/7795