In Android Studio's Device Manager, the virtual device name is
New Device API 30 1
After I launched it from Android Studio, I can see it in 'adb devices' output as
C:\>adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
If I only have one device running, there is no confusion.
If I have multiple, is there a way to tell which is which?
when I start emulator in a script, I need to use the Android Studio device name.
emulator -avd New_Device_API_30_1
but when I connect my Appium Python client to Appium server, I need to use the ADB device name in desired_cap
driver = webdriver.Remote(f"", {"appium:deviceName":"emulator-5554", ...})
I need to automate these two steps.
Thank you
You can specify the port when you start the emulator then you will know the device name
emulator -avd New_Device_API_30_1 -port 5558
then you will see
adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5558 device
otherwise they will be selected in the order they are started.