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How to Importrange + CountIf on Google Sheets

I need to import information from another google sheet, COUNTIF that information under the criteria of one column saying "VIL" and another column saying "Pass"

I am using variations of the below: =countifs((IMPORTRANGE(E65, "Sheet1!A2:H200")),$E$2:$E$30,"Passed")

Where I am trying to have it display the count of boxes that have "Passed" from the other google sheet in E65. I am only getting error messages.

Any help on this would be appreciated!


  • run this first to connect your sheets:

    =IMPORTRANGE(E65; "Sheet1!A2")

    then try:

    =ROWS(QUERY({IMPORTRANGE(E65; "Sheet1!A2:H200")}; 
     "where Col5 = 'Pass' and Col1 = 'VIL'"; ))

    change Col1 to where the VIL is