I have the following command in a bash script.
GREP_RESULT=$(grep -zoP "\.global LIST(.|\n)*-1\Z" part1.s)
I'm getting the following error.
warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
I have tried the solution proposed in this post, changing it to the following.
GREP_RESULT=$(tr -d '\0' < grep -zoP "\.global LIST(.|\n)*-1\Z" part1.s)
This in turn results to the following error.
grep: No such file or directory
What is the proper way to work around the first error?
Comment from OP: grep -z
is adding a \0
on end of stream
So, this is a case of needing to modify the grep
output (as opposed to modifying the input file):
grep -zoP "\.global LIST(.|\n)*-1\Z" part1.s | tr -d '\0'
Original answer ...
Apply the tr
to the data file first; a couple variations:
grep -zoP "\.global LIST(.|\n)*-1\Z" <(tr -d '\0' < part1.s)
# or
tr -d '\0' < part1.s | grep -zoP "\.global LIST(.|\n)*-1\Z"