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How to get an index of maximum count of a required string in a list column of polars data frame?

I have a polars dataframe as

df = pl.DataFrame({'doc_id':[

each list consist of document id's separated with semicolon, if any of list element has got higher semicolon its index needs to be found and create a new column as len_idx_at and fill in with the index number.

For example:


This list is having two elements, in a first element there are about 4 semicolon hence its has 5 documents, similarly in a second element there are about 2 semicolons and it means it has 3 documents.

Here we should consider an index of a highest document counts element in the above case - it will be 0 index because it has 4 semicolons'.

the expected output as:

shape: (5, 2)
│ doc_id                          ┆ len_idx_at │
│ ---                             ┆ ---        │
│ list[str]                       ┆ i32        │
│ ["83;45;32;65;13", "7;8;9"]     ┆ 0          │
│ ["9;4;5", "4;2;7;3;5;8;10;11"]  ┆ 1          │
│ ["1000;2000", "76;34;100001;74… ┆ 1          │
│ ["100;200", "200;100"]          ┆ 0          │
│ ["3;4;6;7;10;11", "1;2;3;4;5"]  ┆ 0          │

In case of all elements in a list has equal semicolon counts, zero index would be preferred as showed in above output


  • df.with_columns(
        # Get first and second list of documents as string element.
        # Split each doc list element on ";" and count number of splits.
        # Get the wanted index based on which list is longer.
            pl.col("doc_list1_count") >= pl.col("doc_list2_count")
    shape: (5, 6)
    │ doc_id                          ┆ doc_list1      ┆ doc_list2              ┆ doc_list1_count ┆ doc_list2_count ┆ len_idx_at │
    │ ---                             ┆ ---            ┆ ---                    ┆ ---             ┆ ---             ┆ ---        │
    │ list[str]                       ┆ str            ┆ str                    ┆ u32             ┆ u32             ┆ i32        │
    │ ["83;45;32;65;13", "7;8;9"]     ┆ 83;45;32;65;13 ┆ 7;8;9                  ┆ 5               ┆ 3               ┆ 0          │
    │ ["9;4;5", "4;2;7;3;5;8;10;11"]  ┆ 9;4;5          ┆ 4;2;7;3;5;8;10;11      ┆ 3               ┆ 8               ┆ 1          │
    │ ["1000;2000", "76;34;100001;74… ┆ 1000;2000      ┆ 76;34;100001;7474;2924 ┆ 2               ┆ 5               ┆ 1          │
    │ ["100;200", "200;100"]          ┆ 100;200        ┆ 200;100                ┆ 2               ┆ 2               ┆ 0          │
    │ ["3;4;6;7;10;11", "1;2;3;4;5"]  ┆ 3;4;6;7;10;11  ┆ 1;2;3;4;5              ┆ 6               ┆ 5               ┆ 0          │