As noted in 2.4 selectors of the flextable vignette, often we would want to conditionally add formatting to a flextable. The following example is from the flextable vignette:
dat <- head(ggplot2::diamonds, n = 10)
ft <- qflextable(dat)
~ price < 330, color = "orange", ~ price + x + y + z
i = ~ cut %in% "Premium",
j = ~ x + y,
color = "red"
As the dataset varies, I want to make the selection of cut above as a function.
#'@param x A flextable
#'@param t Text within the dataset x
f <- function(x, t) x %>% color(i = ~ cut %in% t, j = ~ x + y, color = "red")
f(ft, "Premium")
# Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) :
'match' requires vector arguments
I wonder how the flexible selection handle arguments passed into expression. Is there a way to make a function that works similar to adding the text itself.
Exploring a little deeper, a function like color passes the condition to internal get_row_id()
to internal get_i_from_formula()
. The error occurs in evaluating the call
As stefan points out your formula is not capturing the argument t (instead it assumes it's refering to the function t
Alternatively, you can inject the parameter with rlang
f <- function(x, t) rlang::inject(
x %>% color(i = ~ cut %in% !!t, j = ~ x + y, color = "red"))
f(ft, "Premium")