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Checking area of overlap between two dataframes with parallel dask GeoPandas

I have two different GeoDataFrames: One of which contain polygon squares in a large grid. The other contains larger, and fewer, polygons. I wish to calculate the area of overlap within each of the grid squares with the other, larger squares.

To do so, I made a simple loop method

for _, patch in tqdm(layer.iterrows(), total=layer.shape[0], desc=name):
    # Index of intersecting squares
    idx = joined.intersects(patch.geometry)
    intersection_polygon = joined[idx].intersection(patch.geometry)
    area_of_intersection = intersection_polygon.area
    joined.loc[idx, "value"] += area_of_intersection

In an attempt to speed up this method, I converted the layer DataFrame, which contains the larger patches to a Dask-DataFrame.

I implemented it the following way:

def multi_area(patch, joined=None):
    # Index of intersecting squares
    idx = joined.intersects(patch.geometry)
    intersection_polygon = joined[idx].intersection(patch.geometry)
    area_of_intersection = intersection_polygon.area
    joined.loc[idx, "value"] += area_of_intersection
    return joined["value"]

layer_dask = dask_geopandas.from_geopandas(layer, npartitions=8)

with ProgressBar():
    joined["value"] = layer_dask.apply(multi_area, meta=joined, joined=joined, axis=1).compute(scheduler='multiprocessing')

This, however, returns the error AttributeError: 'GeoDataFrame' object has no attribute 'name', and at this point I am unsure if this is the optimal way of doing it, and what I am doing wrong.

The job I will be doing will have 400 million grid squares, so I am planning on batching this calculation out on smaller areas later, as I can't come up with a smarter way of doing it...


  • I managed to speed up the process quite a bit using spatial joins and overlay as suggested by Michael in the comments. In addition I implemented Dask Dataframes so the final code becomes:

    import dask_geopandas as dg
    import geopandas as gpd
    def dissolve_shuffle(ddf, by=None, **kwargs):
        """Shuffle and map partition"""
        meta = ddf._meta.dissolve(by=by, as_index=False, **kwargs)
        shuffled = ddf.shuffle(
            by, npartitions=ddf.npartitions, shuffle="tasks", ignore_index=True
        return shuffled.map_partitions(
            gpd.GeoDataFrame.dissolve, by=by, as_index=False, meta=meta, **kwargs
    def calculate_area_overlap_dask(
    ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
        """This function calculates the area of overlap in each grid cell for a given map-layer
        layer = layer[["geometry"]]
        df_grid = df_grid[["geometry"]]
        # Split up the layer using the grid
        _overlay = gpd.overlay(layer, df_grid, how="intersection")
        # Convert the overlay to a dask geopandas dataframe and calculate the area of each new polygon
        _overlay = dg.from_geopandas(_overlay, npartitions=nthreads)
        _overlay["area"] = _overlay.area
        _overlay = _overlay.compute()
        # Convert the grid to a dask geopandas dataframe and spatial join all split layer polygons to corresponding grid cells
        df_grid = dg.from_geopandas(df_grid, npartitions=nthreads)
        joined = dg.sjoin(df_grid, _overlay, how="inner").reset_index()
        # Faster dissolve of area within each grid cell
        scored_grid = dissolve_shuffle(
        scored_grid = scored_grid.compute()
        return scored_grid
    def polygon_to_grid(name: str, gdf) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
        """This function converts a geodataframe to a grid of polygons
        gdf["value"] = range(len(gdf.index))
        # Rasteriser polygonet
        out_grid: xr.Dataset = make_geocube(
            resolution=(-100, 100),
        vals: xr.DataArray = out_grid.value.values
        vals[~np.isnan(vals)] = np.arange(len(vals[~np.isnan(vals)]), dtype=np.int32)
        vals[np.isnan(vals)] = -9999
        out_grid.value.values = vals f"{name}_raster.tif")
        # Read saved raster
        src: xr.Dataset ="{name}_raster.tif")
        r =
        # Convert polygons
        shapes = features.shapes(r, mask=r != -9999, transform= src.transform)
        polygons: list[Polygon] = list(shapes)
        geom: list[Polygon] = [shapely.geometry.shape(i[0]) for i in polygons]
        # Convert to geodataframe
        grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        return grid
    if __name__=="__main__":
        area = gpd.read_file("some_area.shp")
        layer = gpd.read_file("some_map_layer.shp")
        area_grid = polygon_to_grid("area", area)
        grid_evaluated = calculate_area_overlap_dask(area_grid, layer)

    This mess ended up working, but it was very prone to memory-issues with large datasets. So I opted for a solution that was less precise, but much faster.