Sorry for long post, I need to explain it properly for people to undertsand.
I have a pipeline in datafctory that triggers a published AML endpoint:
I am trying to parametrize this ADF pipeline so that I can deploy to test and prod, but on test and prod the aml endpoints are different.
Therefore, I have tried to edit the parameter configuration in ADF as shows here:
Here in the section Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines
I add "*":"="
so that all the pipeline parameters are parametrized:
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines": {
"*": "="
After this I export the template to see which parameters are there in json, there are lot of them but I do not see any paramter that has aml endpoint name as value, but I see the endpint ID is parametrized.
My question is: Is it possible to parametrize the AML endpoint by name? So that, when deploying ADF to test I can just provide the AML endpoint name and it can pick the id automatically:
I finally fixed this.
The trick is to not chose Pipeline Endpoint ID but to choose Pipeline ID.
Pipeline ID can be parametrized and I have set up this to come from a global parameter. Therefore I do not need to find the right level of identation everytime
Later you add the global parameters to your ARM template:
And in the parameter template you add:
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories": {
"properties": {
"globalParameters": {
"*": {
"value": "="
"globalConfigurations": {
"*": "="
"encryption": {
"*": "=",
"identity": {
"*": "="
"Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/globalparameters": {
"properties": {
"*": {
"value": "="
Finally I wrote a python CLI tool to get the latest pipeline ID for a given published pipeline id:
import argparse
from azureml.pipeline.core import PipelineEndpoint, PublishedPipeline, Pipeline
from azureml.core import Workspace
from env_variables import Env
from manage_workspace import get_workspace
def get_latest_published_endpoint(ws : Workspace, pipeline_name : str) -> str:
Get the latest published endpoint given a machine learning pipeline name.
The function is used to update the pipeline id in ADF deploy pipeline
ws : azureml.core.Workspace
A workspace object to use to search for the models
pipeline_name : str
A string containing the pipeline name to retrieve the latest version
pipeline_name : azureml.pipeline.core.PipelineEndpoint
The pipeline name to retrieve the last version
pipeline_endpoint = PipelineEndpoint.get(workspace=ws, name=pipeline_name)
endpoint_id = pipeline_endpoint.get_pipeline().id # this gives back the pipeline id
# gives back the pipeline endpoint id which can not be set
# as dynamic parameter in ADF in an easy way
return endpoint_id
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--monitoring_pipeline_name", type=str,
help="Pipeline Name to get endpoint id",
parser.add_argument("--training_pipeline_name", type=str,
help="Pipeline Name to get endpoint id",
parser.add_argument("--scoring_pipeline_name", type=str,
help="Pipeline Name to get endpoint id",
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
e = Env()
ws = get_workspace(e.workspace_name, e.subscription_id, e.resource_group) # type: ignore
latest_monitoring_endpoint = get_latest_published_endpoint(ws, pipeline_name=args.monitoring_pipeline_name) # type: ignore
latest_training_endpoint = get_latest_published_endpoint(ws, pipeline_name=args.training_pipeline_name) # type: ignore
latest_scoring_endpoint = get_latest_published_endpoint(ws, pipeline_name=args.scoring_pipeline_name) # type: ignore
print('##vso[task.setvariable variable=MONITORING_PIPELINE_ID;]%s' % (latest_monitoring_endpoint))
print('##vso[task.setvariable variable=TRAINING_PIPELINE_ID;]%s' % (latest_training_endpoint))
print('##vso[task.setvariable variable=SCORING_PIPELINE_ID;]%s' % (latest_scoring_endpoint))
By printing the variables in these way they are added to environment variables that later I can pick in the ARM deploy step:
And then we have our desired setup:
Different pipeline IDs for different environments.
Maybe material for a blog post as it works like charm.