I have checked this answer: Check HTML element type for result of React Testing Library's getByText? but unfortunately, div
does not have a default role assigned (as can be checked here: https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#docconformance)
So my below test fails:
it('should render as div when the "as" attribute is passed with a value of "div"', () => {
render(<Button label={testText} as='div' data-testid='test-button'/>)
I am not able to find a query which would be good for testing this. Can anyone help?
To check the element type you could access the nodeName
from any HTMLElement returned by the screen.getByTestId
You could try something like that:
it('should render as div when the "as" attribute is passed with a value of "div"', () => {
render(<Button label={testText} as='div' data-testid='test-button'/>)