I am trying to draw a choropleth map of municipalties in Denmark with color encoded as a sum of crimes in that municipalty. I have several entries for each municipalty since the data is over a time-period and types of crime and I have a single geometry entry for each municipalty. I want to perform a transform_lookup on the geometry field in the geopandas dataframe on the label_dk key, but I can't seem to get the map to render.
I could always merge the dataframes, but I am trying to save space by not repeating the geometry for every entry of crime, since I also want to plot the data in different charts and allow for slicing and dicing over time and offfence.
Bear in mind that this crime data is just a small example, and the real data I want to use has around 30,000 entries, so a merged geojson file takes up 647,000 KB and the map won't render.
Does anybody know why this transform_lookup doesn't work?
The data looks like this:
label_dk geometry
0 Aabenraa MULTIPOLYGON Z (((9.51215 54.85672 -999.00000,...
1 Aalborg MULTIPOLYGON Z (((9.84688 57.04365 -999.00000,...
2 Aarhus POLYGON Z ((9.99682 56.17872 -999.00000, 9.990...
3 Albertslund POLYGON Z ((12.35234 55.70461 -999.00000, 12.3...
4 Allerød POLYGON Z ((12.31845 55.88305 -999.00000, 12.3...
.. ... ...
94 Vejle POLYGON Z ((9.11714 55.76669 -999.00000, 9.100...
95 Vesthimmerlands MULTIPOLYGON Z (((9.17798 56.91745 -999.00000,...
96 Viborg POLYGON Z ((9.29501 56.59336 -999.00000, 9.297...
97 Vordingborg MULTIPOLYGON Z (((12.04479 54.95566 -999.00000...
98 Ærø MULTIPOLYGON Z (((10.43467 54.87952 -999.00000...
[99 rows x 2 columns]
tid offence label_dk Anmeldte forbrydelser
0 2021K1 Seksualforbrydelser i alt København 133
1 2021K1 Voldsforbrydelser i alt København 900
2 2021K2 Seksualforbrydelser i alt København 244
3 2021K2 Voldsforbrydelser i alt København 996
4 2021K3 Seksualforbrydelser i alt København 174
.. ... ... ... ...
787 2021K2 Voldsforbrydelser i alt Aalborg 178
788 2021K3 Seksualforbrydelser i alt Aalborg 53
789 2021K3 Voldsforbrydelser i alt Aalborg 185
790 2021K4 Seksualforbrydelser i alt Aalborg 43
791 2021K4 Voldsforbrydelser i alt Aalborg 205
[792 rows x 4 columns]
The code is below:
import altair as alt
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import altair_viewer
path = "data/small_few_umbrella_terms_crimes_2021.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(path,encoding="utf_8",index_col='Unnamed: 0')
geometry = gpd.read_file("data_with_geo/geometry.geojson")
map_chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_geoshape(
crime='sum(Anmeldte forbrydelser)',
from_=alt.LookupData(geometry, 'label_dk', ['geometry'])
The data can be found here: https://github.com/Joac1137/Data-Visualization/blob/main/data_with_geo/geometry.geojson and https://github.com/Joac1137/Data-Visualization/blob/main/data/small_few_umbrella_terms_crimes_2021.csv
Thanks a lot @joelostblom ! I found the solution in the new docs you linked.
The trick was that I was missing the "type" column in my geojson, which usually only contains the string "Feature", but whatever. The geojson data now looks like this:
label_dk type geometry
0 Aabenraa Feature MULTIPOLYGON Z (((9.51215 54.85672 -999.00000,...
1 Aalborg Feature MULTIPOLYGON Z (((9.84688 57.04365 -999.00000,...
2 Aarhus Feature POLYGON Z ((9.99682 56.17872 -999.00000, 9.990...
3 Albertslund Feature POLYGON Z ((12.35234 55.70461 -999.00000, 12.3...
4 Allerød Feature POLYGON Z ((12.31845 55.88305 -999.00000, 12.3...
And the code like this
import altair as alt
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import altair_viewer
path = "data/small_few_umbrella_terms_crimes_2021.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(path,encoding="utf_8",index_col='Unnamed: 0')
geometry = gpd.read_file("data_with_geo/geometry.geojson")
map_chart = alt.Chart(df).transform_lookup(
from_=alt.LookupData(geometry, 'label_dk',['geometry','type'])
crime='sum(Anmeldte forbrydelser)',
Changing from the merged data that I previously used to this lookup method resulted in a significant speedup when initializing. It used to take around 10 minutes to start up, but now it does it in a matter of seconds.