I would like to loop through items in a variable-group where the name starts with add_
and then add these to keyvault.
I have got the variables from a variable-group with:
az pipelines variable-group variable list
with additional parameters to return name values:
"add_myVaule": {
"isSecret": null,
"value": "hello"
"add_myWorld": {
"isSecret": null,
"value": "world"
I'm not sure how I can reference the name (add_myVaule, add_myWorld) and get the value so i can loop through and add the values into a keyvault, something like this:
foreach ($var in $vargroup){
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $(VaultName) --name $var --value $var.value
You can retrieve variable name and value by the following steps: 1 az pipelines variable-group variable list is a JSON string from your screenshot, you should convert a JSON string to a hash table
' your JSON String ' | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
And you can see the Hash Table Data structure
2 run the script and the $($.key) is to get the Key(add_myVaule,add_myWorld), $($.value) is to get the corresponding value
$variable_group.GetEnumerator() | % {
"Current key is: $($_.key)"
$($_.value).GetEnumerator() | %{
"Current key is: $($_.key)"
"Value of $($_.key) is: $($_.value)"