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Linq variable inside select

I have a following query

 return _context.Table1
                    .Where(x => x.ContactId == contactKey.Id)                       
                    .Include(x => x.Table2)                        
                    .Include(x => x.Table3.Table4)
                    .Select(a =>
                        new MyReadModel
                            PriorityAssignment = true,
                            LastContactedDate = (a.Table3.Table4 != null && a.Table3.Table4.FirstOrDefault(h => 
                            h.Id == a.Table2.FkId
                            ) != null ?
                            a.Table3.Table4.FirstOrDefault(h => && h.Id == a.Table2.FkId
                            ).LastContactedDatetime : default

What i wants is to simplify LastContactedDate assignment with in select. I think we can assign

a.Table3.Table4.FirstOrDefault(h => 
                                h.Id == a.Table2.FkId

to some variable but can't able to do it can someone identify what is needed


  • With EF Core you don't have to check for null, LINQ Translator do not execute your code, but uses it for translation to the SQL. Also Includes is not needed if you do not retrieve whole objects.

    return await _context.Table1
        .Where(x => x.ContactId == contactKey.Id)                       
        .Select(a => new MyReadModel
            PriorityAssignment = true,
            LastContactedDate = (DateTime?)a.Table3.Table4.Where(h => h.Id == a.Table2.FkId)
                .OrderByDescending(h => LastContactedDatetime)
                .Select(h => LastContactedDatetime)