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I need to calculate month-on-month change and change in same month last year from a table fetched from SQL database using python

Here how the departure table should look like and the headers:

Report_Month Aircraft_Departures(Domestic) Aircraft_Departures(International) MOM Change(domestic) MOM Change(international) change_SMLY(Domestic) change_SMLY(International)

Here is the code which I have written to get this table from SQL as pivot table.

import pandas as pd
import pymssql
import numpy as np
conn = pymssql.connect('','OPERATIONSDBOWNER','OPERATIONSDBOWNER@4321','ForOperationsData')
s ='''SELECT * FROM [ForOperationsData].[dbo].[IN_Monthly_DGCA_Airline_Traffic]'''
df = pd.read_sql(s, conn)
df1 = df.pivot_table(index='Report_Month', columns='Airline_Service', values='Aircraft_Departures', aggfunc=np.sum)
df1.sort_values(by = 'Report_Month', ascending=False, inplace=True)
df1.rename(columns = {'Report_Month':'Months','Domestic':'Aircraft_Departures(Domestic)','International':'Aircraft_Departures(International)'}, inplace = True)
df1['index'] = df1.index
first_column = df1.pop('index')
df1.insert(0, 'index', first_column)
cols = ['Aircraft_Departures(Domestic)','Aircraft_Departures(International)']
df1['index'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['index'], dayfirst=True)
df3 = df1.set_index('index')[cols]
d = {'Aircraft_Departures(Domestic)':'(Domestic)','Aircraft_Departures(International)':'(International)'}
df1 = df3.shift(1, freq='MS')
df2 = df3.shift(12, freq='MS')
df4 = df3.shift(36, freq='MS')#pre covid for year 2022
df11 = df3.sub(df1).div(df1).rename(columns=d).add_prefix('MOM Change')
df22 = df3.sub(df2).div(df2).rename(columns=d).add_prefix('change_SMLY')
df44 = df3.sub(df4).div(df4).rename(columns=d).add_prefix('change Pre-Covid')
df3 = pd.concat([df3, df11.reindex(df3.index), df22.reindex(df3.index), df44.reindex(df3.index)], axis=1)
df3.to_excel("Social media script", sheet_name='Ratio')

formula for m-o-m and y-o-y will be calculated by
MOM Change = (Departure this month - Departure previous month)/Departure previous month
change_SMLY = (Departure current month - Departure same month last year)/Departure same month last year change_Pre-covid = (Departure current month - Departure same month in 2019)/Departure same month in 2019

I have calculated 'change_pre-covid ' for the year 2022 as an example.

Help me in getting those values for the years 2021 and 2020 as well


  • Create DatetimeIndex first, then use DataFrame.shift by one and 12 months, subtract and divide and last join all DataFrames together:

    cols = ['Aircraft_Departures(Domestic)','Aircraft_Departures(International)']
    df1['Report_Month'] = pd.to_datetime(df1['Report_Month'], dayfirst=True)
    df = df1.set_index('Report_Month')[cols]
    d = {'Aircraft_Departures(Domestic)':'(International)',
    df1 = df.shift(1, freq='MS')
    df2 = df.shift(12, freq='MS')
    df11 = df.sub(df1).div(df1).rename(columns=d).add_prefix('MOM Change')
    df22 = df.sub(df2).div(df2).rename(columns=d).add_prefix('change_SMLY')
    df = pd.concat([df, df11.reindex(df.index), df22.reindex(df.index)], axis=1)

    print (df)
              Aircraft_Departures(Domestic)  \
    2022-06-01                            39482   
    2022-05-01                            87224   
    2022-04-01                            82701   
    2022-03-01                            81971   
    2022-02-01                            58153   
    2022-01-01                            64437   
    2021-12-01                            88270   
    2021-11-01                            82614   
    2021-10-01                            74137   
    2021-09-01                            66580   
    2021-08-01                            63108   
    2021-07-01                            51402   
    2021-06-01                            34318   
                  Aircraft_Departures(International)  MOM Change(International)  \
    2022-06-01                                  7896                  -0.547349   
    2022-05-01                                 12220                   0.054691   
    2022-04-01                                 10641                   0.008906   
    2022-03-01                                 10636                   0.409575   
    2022-02-01                                  8396                  -0.097522   
    2022-01-01                                  9826                  -0.270001   
    2021-12-01                                  9599                   0.068463   
    2021-11-01                                  8526                   0.114342   
    2021-10-01                                  8475                   0.113503   
    2021-09-01                                  7281                   0.055017   
    2021-08-01                                  5756                   0.227734   
    2021-07-01                                  4252                   0.497815   
    2021-06-01                                  3311                        NaN   
                  MOM Change(domestic)  change_SMLY(International)  \
    2022-06-01               -0.353846                    0.150475   
    2022-05-01                0.148388                         NaN   
    2022-04-01                0.000470                         NaN   
    2022-03-01                0.266794                         NaN   
    2022-02-01               -0.145532                         NaN   
    2022-01-01                0.023648                         NaN   
    2021-12-01                0.125850                         NaN   
    2021-11-01                0.006018                         NaN   
    2021-10-01                0.163988                         NaN   
    2021-09-01                0.264941                         NaN   
    2021-08-01                0.353716                         NaN   
    2021-07-01                0.284204                         NaN   
    2021-06-01                     NaN                         NaN   
    2022-06-01                 1.384778  
    2022-05-01                      NaN  
    2022-04-01                      NaN  
    2022-03-01                      NaN  
    2022-02-01                      NaN  
    2022-01-01                      NaN  
    2021-12-01                      NaN  
    2021-11-01                      NaN  
    2021-10-01                      NaN  
    2021-09-01                      NaN  
    2021-08-01                      NaN  
    2021-07-01                      NaN  
    2021-06-01                      NaN