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How to wake up an inactive AudioTracks property

I could obtain the correct AudioTracks.length through a button click; however, I cannot obtain it without such an action. Please see my code below. I could obtain it at line (B) but cannot at (A). Why? How can I obtain it at (A)? I have a faint awareness that I don't understand something fundamental, but I'm in trouble because I don't know what it is. Please help me. Thank you so much for your kindness.

[My code]

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h3>Please use a browser supporting AudioTracks property. See [Note] for details.</h3>
        <video id="video" controls>
            <source src=""></source >
        <button onclick="myFunction()">Click (myFunction)</button>
            console.log("(A) = " + video.audioTracks.length );// (A) = 0
            function myFunction() {
                console.log("(B) = " + video.audioTracks.length );// (B) = 2

[Note] The audioTracks property is not supported in any major browsers. It is supported in Chrome beta by enabling "enable-experimental-web-platform-features" in chrome:flags.

  1. Download Chrome beta Version 107.
  2. Type "chrome://flags/" in the address bar to see "Experiments" page.
  3. Enable "#enable-experimental-web-platform-features".



  • You need to wait for the resource is at least preloaded before you can try to read anything from it (be it audioTracks, but even .duration etc.).

    So wait for either the loadedmetadata event, or even the canplay one.

    const vid = document.querySelector("video");
    vid.onloadedmetadata = (evt) => {
    <video controls>
      <source src="">