i want to call data based on "where $bulan", in database $bulan have some of the same data but if i call only show the first input. I already use while but it's not working
can you guys help?
I have code like this
$no = 1;
$bulan = $_POST['bulan'];
$data = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT proses1.*, customer.nickname FROM proses1 inner join
customer on customer.id_cust = proses1.id_cust WHERE proses1.tgl = '$bulan'");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
$pdf = new FPDF('l','mm','A4');
// membuat halaman baru
$pdf -> AddPage();
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','B','10');
// judul
$pdf->Cell(100,20,'PT Ganding Toolsindo',0,2,'L');
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','','12');
$pdf->Cell(260,10,'Rekap Proses 1',0,2,'C');
$pdf -> image('dist/img/gandingrbg.png',10,13,15,15 );
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','','10');
$pdf->Cell(230,10,'Periode Bulan :',0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,10,date('d-M-Y', strtotime($_POST['bulan'])),0,1,'R');
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','B','10');
$pdf->Cell(50,10,'Nama Part',1,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(17,10,'Kode Part',1,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(30,10,'Nama Proses',1,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Quantity Masuk',1,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(45,10,'Quantity Not Good',1,0,'C');
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Tanggal Dikerjakan',1,1,'C');
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','','10');
(A) Please move the following lines outside of your while loop:
(B) Please also add $pdf->Open(); after (1) above
[NOTE : this point (B) is not
needed for new versions
such as 1.8x or later...]
new FPDF is for creating a new object of the class FDPF, which should not be repeated and repeated for the same object instance; the output line should be triggered after the whole PDF document is created (so outside the while loop)
So change (I have removed some lines from the block for clarity):
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
$pdf = new FPDF('l','mm','A4');
// membuat halaman baru
$pdf -> AddPage();
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','B','10');
// judul
$pdf->Cell(100,20,'PT Ganding Toolsindo',0,2,'L');
// other lines for output omitted for clarity
to (sample 1)
$pdf = new FPDF('l','mm','A4');
// the above line is not needed for newer versions of FPDF (e.g. v1.8x)
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
// membuat halaman baru
$pdf -> AddPage();
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','B','10');
// judul
$pdf->Cell(100,20,'PT Ganding Toolsindo',0,2,'L');
// other lines for output omitted for clarity
(sample 2)
If you want to display all the data in 1 page, then move the line $pdf -> AddPage(); away from the loop and place it under the new
$pdf = new FPDF('l','mm','A4');
$pdf -> AddPage();
// the above line is not needed for newer versions of FPDF (e.g. v1.8x)
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
// membuat halaman baru
$pdf -> SetFont('Times','B','10');
// judul
$pdf->Cell(100,20,'PT Ganding Toolsindo',0,2,'L');
// other lines for output omitted for clarity
On the other hand, as other has suggested please change your query to parameterized prepared statement to avoid SQL injection. You may refer to the following for details:
Sanbox link
You may try the following sandbox to see the effect of a sample (3 records in db, showing two fields) :
(For newer version , e.g. FPDF 1.8x): http://www.createchhk.com/SOanswers/sub8/testSO26Oct2022b.php