I have the following bash script:
function usage() {
printf "\n"
echo "Updates a Lambda with env vars stored in a Secrets Manager secret. Complete drop n' swap."
printf "\n"
echo "Syntax: bash $0 -a <ARN> -s <secretName> [-h]"
echo "options:"
echo "a the ARN of the Lambda to update"
echo "s the name of the secret in Secrets Manager to use"
echo "h display help"
printf "\n"
while getopts ":has:" option; do
case $option in
h) # display help
a) # ARN of the lambda
[[ -z "$arn" ]] && usage
s) # Secrets Manager secret (name)
[[ -z "$secretName" ]] && usage
*) # catchall
echo "all good! arn = $arn and secret = $secretName"
When I run this I get:
myuser@mymachine myapp % bash myscript.sh -a abba -s babba
Updates a Lambda with env vars stored in a Secrets Manager secret. Complete drop n' swap.
Syntax: bash myscript.sh -a <ARN> -s <secretName> [-h]
a the ARN of the Lambda to update
s the name of the secret in Secrets Manager to use
h display help
I was expecting all of the arguments (parsed by getopts
) to be valid and to see the "all good!..."
output instead of the usage output.
Where am I going awry? Am I using/parsing getopts
incorrectly, or am I invoking the script with argument incorrectly? Or both?! Thanks in advance!
Since -a
is supposed to have an associated value you want to append a :
to the a
option, ie:
# change this:
while getopts ":has:" option
# to this:
while getopts ":ha:s:" option