I want to count "the number of times a node is connected to another node".
It seemed a bad idea to have multiple redundant relationships between the two same nodes, so I thought I should use a single relationship with a "count" property for this purpose.
But how to update those relationships and increment the property "count"?
Neo4j doesn't have any auto-increment function for properties (according to what I read).
As an alternative, I wanted to MATCH the existing relationship (if it exists), and then update its count property, in Python, but nothing seems to work.
Here is what I have so far:
def create_or_increment_relationship(tx, start_node_label, start_node_property, new_node_label, new_node_property, relationship_type):
return tx.run(
"MATCH (s) WHERE (s.label = $start_node_label AND s.name = $start_node_property) \n \
CALL apoc.merge.node($new_node_label, {name: $new_node_property}) \n \
MATCH (s)-[r:$relationship_type]->(n) \n \
CALL apoc.merge.relationship(s, $relationship_type, r.count+1, n);",
The query above (in green) has 4 lines:
I understand that I would also need to use APOC to MATCH an existing relationship based on a label established at runtime (dynamic label, i.e. a Python variable). (That's the third line in the query part of this code.)
However I wasn't able to find any example of such a query, or an apoc function that matches relationships on criteria.
UPDATE: so apparently a way to MATCH relationships in APOC is to use apoc.merge.relationship as described in this post https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures/issues/2674:
In the second example, I'm using apoc.merge.node to MATCH the start and end nodes without actually creating or changing them. My assumption is though, that Neo4j still write-locks these nodes which affects the performance and would hinder optimisations such as parallelisation via apoc.periodic.iterate due to deadlocks on the same node.
... To the maintainers of APOC: I do agree it would be nice if there was a apoc.match.relationship (or node) function. It would be nice I think for ease of use / understanding / clarity of the API; and this poster also says that a dedicated implementation could bring performance benefits in some cases.
Things to consider:
MATCH (s)-[r:$relationship_type]->(n)
Fix: You need to do a string replace using python when the variable is a relationship type.
Fix: use a MERGE on CREATE on MATCH instead
Fix: look at line #1 and line #2 of my query.
Below is a working snippet of code that you can use.
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password))
session = driver.session()
start_node_label = 'Person'
start_node_property = 'user'
new_node_label = 'NewPerson'
new_node_property = 'newuser'
relationship_type = 'RELATED_TO'
cypher = "MATCH (s) WHERE $start_node_label in labels(s) AND s.name = $start_node_property \n \
CALL apoc.merge.node([$new_node_label], {{name: $new_node_property}}) YIELD node as n \n \
MERGE (s)-[r:{relationship_type}]->(n) \n \
ON CREATE set r.count = 1 \n \
ON MATCH set r.count = r.count + 1 \n \
query = cypher.format(relationship_type = relationship_type)
result = session.run(query,
d = result.single().value()
Sample result:
<Relationship id=7 nodes=(<Node id=8 labels=frozenset() properties={}>, <Node id=7 labels=frozenset() properties={}>) type='HAS' properties={'count': 1}>