To describe my problem here is my sheet
Here, From Column E onwards there are different attributes for each of the items in column A.
Now, I have a subsheet based on the type of the items as listed in column B, here
Here we can see from Column C onwards attributes of the items in column A. In this case, the other attributes from the master sheet above that are not mentioned do not apply to these items and therefore will be blank in the master sheet.
My problem is to populate the attributes of the corresponding items from the subsheet that are in column C to F, in the master sheet where all the attributes are listed. I only want to add those values that exist in the sub sheet and leave the rest blank.
Here is a sample sheet with the desired output. There is a Master sheet and an Subsheet named DEF. The Master sheet has to lookup the values from the Subsheet and filled the appropriate cells based on the reference from column A and B of the Master sheet.
try in D2:
IFERROR(MATCH(D1:P1, DEF!A1:Z1, 0)-1, 100), 0))))