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How do i get the document id in Marqo?

i added a document to marqo add_documents() but i didn't pass an id and now i am trying to get the document but i don't know what the document_id is?

Here is what my code look like:

mq = marqo.Client(url='http://localhost:8882')

        "Title": title,
        "Description": document_body

i tried to check whether the document got added or not but ;

no_of_docs = mq.index("my-first-index").get_stats()

i got;

{'numberOfDocuments': 1}

meaning it was added.


  • if you don't add the "_id" as part of key/value then by default marqo will generate a random id for you, to access it you can search the document using the document's Title,

    doc = mq.index("my-first-index").search(title_of_your_document, searchable_attributes=['Title'])

    you should get a dictionary as the result something like this;

    {'hits': [{'Description': your_description,
               'Title': title_of_your_document,
               '_highlights': relevant part of the doc,
               '_id': 'ac14f87e-50b8-43e7-91de-ee72e1469bd3',
               '_score': 1.0}],
     'limit': 10,
     'processingTimeMs': 122,
     'query': 'The Premier League'}

    the part that says _id is the id of your document.