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Display Data in form of Table row by clicking single or multiple Checkboxes in Django

I am working on Django framework and stuck in a bad situation. I have my Data table that is fetched from database and displaying in a table form. At the end of the table there are multiple checkboxes which is used to customize the data and display the only data for which I have clicked on single or multiple checkboxes. After clicking on checkbox / checkboxes data have to display in table form.

              function getvalues()
                   let selected = new Array();
                   var chckbox = document.getElementById("tab1");
                   var selchk = chckbox.getElementsByTagName("input");
                   for(var i=0; i<selchk.length;i++)
                   if(selected.length> 0)
                        document.getElementById("displayvalues").innerHTML= selected;
    <table border = "1">
              <th> ID </th>
              <th> NAME </th>
              <th> EMAIL </th>
              <th> SALARY </th>
              <th> PHONE   </th>
         {%for getdata in EmployeeDetails %}
         <td> {{}}</td>
         <td> {{getdata.empname}}</td>
         <td> {{}}</td>
         <td> {{getdata.salary}}</td>
         <td> {{}}</td>
         {% endfor %}
<table id = "tab1">
         <td> {%for display in EmployeeDetails %}
          <input type="checkbox" value="{{display.salary}}" /> {{display.salary}}
                         {% endfor %}


     <input id="but1" type="button" value="display records" onclick="getvalues()"/>     
          <b id="displayvalues"></b>

As you can see in image when I click on any checkbox It just gives me checkbox value not the entire row. I want entire row result by clicking on single or multiple checkboxes and it should display in form of table pertaining rows.

Kindly Help me to get out of this.


  • Your javascript function needs to find more than the checkbox value. You also need the rows with the corresponding salary.

    To achieve this, I would add a class corresponding to the salary on every row. Then I would use JavaScript's QuerySelectorAll to get every row with the class corresponding to the salary, hide every row and show the matching rows.

    I added a "a" before every class because they can't start with a number.

    function getvalues()
                       let checkboxes = document.getElementById("tab1");
                       let table = document.getElementById("table");
                       var selchk = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
                       let selected = [];
                       for(var i=0; i<selchk.length;i++)
                       var query = "#tr";
                       for(var j = 0; j < selected.length; j++) {
                          query = query + ", .a" + selected[j];
                       if (query !== "")
                           var rows = table.querySelectorAll(query); // Every element having a class corresponding to the salary you want
                       else var rows = [];
                       table.querySelectorAll("tr").forEach((r) => = "none");
                       rows.forEach((r) => { // For every row r
                  = ""; // Hide r
    <table border = "1">
                  <th> ID </th>
                  <th> NAME </th>
                  <th> EMAIL </th>
                  <th> SALARY </th>
                  <th> PHONE   </th>
             <tr class="a12">
             <td> 1</td>
             <td> test</td>
             <td> tset@test</td>
             <td> 12</td>
             <td> 0606060606</td>
             <tr class="a22">
             <td> 2</td>
             <td> test2</td>
             <td> tse2t@test</td>
             <td> 22</td>
             <td> 0606060626</td>
    <table id = "tab1">
              <input type="checkbox" value="12" /> 12 </td>
              <input type="checkbox" value="22" /> 22 </td>
    <table border = "1">
                  <th> ID </th>
                  <th> NAME </th>
                  <th> EMAIL </th>
                  <th> SALARY </th>
                  <th> PHONE   </th>
             <tbody id="table">
             <tr class="a12">
             <td> 1</td>
             <td> test</td>
             <td> tset@test</td>
             <td> 12</td>
             <td> 0606060606</td>
             <tr class="a22">
             <td> 2</td>
             <td> test2</td>
             <td> tse2t@test</td>
             <td> 22</td>
             <td> 0606060626</td>
         <input id="but1" type="button" value="display records" onclick="getvalues()"/>     
              <b id="displayvalues"></b>


     <table border = "1">
              <th> ID </th>
              <th> NAME </th>
              <th> EMAIL </th>
              <th> SALARY </th>
              <th> PHONE   </th>
         {%for getdata in EmployeeDetails %}
         <tr class="a{{ getdata.salary }}">
         <td> {{}}</td>
         <td> {{getdata.empname}}</td>
         <td> {{}}</td>
         <td> {{getdata.salary}}</td>
         <td> {{}}</td>
         {% endfor %}
    <table id = "tab1">
             <td> {%for display in EmployeeDetails %}
                 <input type="checkbox" value="{{display.salary}}" /> {{display.salary}}
                         {% endfor %}
          <input id="but1" type="button" value="display records" onclick="getvalues()"/>     
          <b id="displayvalues"></b>
     <table border = "1">
              <th> ID </th>
              <th> NAME </th>
              <th> EMAIL </th>
              <th> SALARY </th>
              <th> PHONE   </th>
         <tbody id="table">
         {%for getdata in EmployeeDetails %}
         <tr class="a{{ getdata.salary }}">
         <td> {{}}</td>
         <td> {{getdata.empname}}</td>
         <td> {{}}</td>
         <td> {{getdata.salary}}</td>
         <td> {{}}</td>
         {% endfor %}