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Why do I need to divide the timestamp by 1 billion?

I'm using this public Postgres DB of NEAR protocol:

There is a field called included_in_block_timestamp whose "data type" = "numeric", and "length/precision" = 20.

This code works:

to_char(TO_TIMESTAMP("public"."receipts"."included_in_block_timestamp"/1000000000), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm') as moment, 

and so does this:

function convertTimestampDecimalToDayjsMoment(timestampDecimal: Decimal) {
  const timestampNum = Number(timestampDecimal) / 1_000_000_000; // Why is this necessary?
  console.log({ timestampNum });
  const moment = dayjs.unix(timestampNum); //
  return moment;

For example, sometimes included_in_block_timestamp = 1644261932960444221.

I've never seen a timestamp where I needed to divide by 1 billion. Figuring this out just now was a matter of trial and error.

What's going on here? Is this common practice? Does this level of precision even make sense?


  • Timestamp units of measure in nanoseconds seems to be determined at the protocol-level as this appears in the docs here:

    and here:

    So yes, do take this into account before date-time conversions.