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Where can I find a list of batch script options?

I have .bat script file that contains commands like these:

call %CONAN_BAT% install cmake/3.21.1@thirdparty/stable -g=virtualenv -if "%BUILD_DIR%" -pr vs2010

Even with google I failed to figure out what anything besides the call command and the variables %CONAN_BAT% and %BUILD_DIR% mean. Everything else I cannot find any resource on.

install cmake/3.21.1@thirdparty/stable at least is kinda self explanatory but I still do not know why it works as I can find no install command for batch scripts. The remaining options(?) -g, -if and -pr with their corresponding values are completely lost on me.

Can anyone explain to me what is going on and maybe link me a resource where shorthand options like these are explained?


  • A search for conan install returns a link to conan documentation with descriptions of all parameters.