Usually, in our push functions for Singly Linked Lists, we must check if we are looking at the tail node, and whether it had been assigned with a value, correct? Because if it's the tail node which hadn't been assigned a value yet, we shouldn't be creating a new node; we must simply assign its storage variable with a value. In rest of the cases - we have to create one before assigning.
But what is the proper way to check if the tail (has a garbage value/zero/not utilized/remains untouched by the user)? Or is there another approach to ALL this (including treating unused tail as a special case scenario when pushing into SLL), that everyone else is using?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct ListNode
int val;
struct ListNode *next;
void linked_init(struct ListNode **p)
(*(p)) = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
(*(p))->next = NULL;
//Basically saying that for every linked list that I'll create and initialize, using the "ListNode" struct definition, I will assign to...
//...its Tail Node, a "Unique Code (int value)", which will indicate that no SENSICAL value had been assigned to the tail, yet.
(*(p))->val = 98989;
void linked_push(struct ListNode **p, int curval)
//If it's the tail, and within the tail, the storage hasn't been used - aka - a usable int value hasn't been assigned.
if ((*(p))->next == NULL && (*(p))->val == 98989)
//Push it into the already existing Tail Node
(*(p))->val = curval;
//It's either not a tail, or it is indeed a tail which has already been assigned a value.
//Therefore, we must create a new node before assigning into its tail node, a value.
struct ListNode *temp;
temp = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
temp->val = curval;
temp->next = (*(p));
(*(p)) = temp;
void linked_display(struct ListNode *p)
struct ListNode *temp;
temp = p;
while (temp)
printf("%d", (temp)->val);
temp = temp->next;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct ListNode *list;
// Initial push would be targeted at the tail, since we were the ones who initialized it; using the linked_init() function.
// This whole thing only works if the linked list belonged to us; if we initialized it.
// If we are applying these functions on a list imported from external sources - ex. from questions on online coding platforms, etc - then this wouldn't work.
linked_push(&list, 14);
linked_push(&list, 17);
linked_push(&list, 20);
linked_push(&list, 90);
return 0;
This is how I'm doing it currently, but I don't think it is a practical approach. I couldn't find anything online regarding this issue.
There is no need to allocate a node with a magic value as the tail node. An empty list is just a null pointer. Using sentinel values is confusing and error prone: tutorials that advocate such methods should be disregarded.
Here is a simplified version:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct ListNode {
int val;
struct ListNode *next;
void linked_init(struct ListNode **p) {
*p = NULL;
void linked_push(struct ListNode **p, int curval) {
// allocate a new node and insert it at the head of the list
struct ListNode *temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
if (temp) {
temp->val = curval;
temp->next = *p;
*p = temp;
int linked_pop(struct ListNode **p) {
struct ListNode *temp = *p;
int val = 0;
if (temp) {
val = temp->val;
*p = temp->next;
return val;
void linked_display(const struct ListNode *p) {
const struct ListNode *temp;
for (temp = p; temp; temp = temp->next) {
printf("%d ", temp->val);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct ListNode *list;
// Initialize the list. Could just write: struct ListNode *list = NULL;
// Insert values
linked_push(&list, 14);
linked_push(&list, 17);
linked_push(&list, 20);
linked_push(&list, 90);
// Print the list values: 90 20 17 14
// Free the list.
while (list) {
return 0;