I created a data frame containing full year and year to date summaries. Since the current year , say 2022, has no full year data, so it would be NA in the pivot table under the 2022 column.
However using flextable
through tabulator
, 2022 will still show up in the output such as below.
ct <- tabulator(
x = test, rows = c("Sex", "Measure", "AgeGroup"),
columns = "timer",
`2019` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(Yr2019, formatter = as.integer)),
`2020` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(Yr2020, formatter = as.integer)),
`2021` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(Yr2021, formatter = as.integer)),
`2022` = as_paragraph(as_chunk(Yr2022, formatter = as.integer))
ft <- as_flextable(ct)
How can I remove the 2022 column under full year?
OK. I found a solution, which is just to delete the attribute column inside ct$visible_columns
ct$visible_columns <- ct$visible_columns[-8, ]
ct$visible_columns <- ct$visible_columns[ct$visible_columns$col_keys != "@Full year@2022",]
Then the output would appear as