I have already set up my Msys2 and installed mingw-w64-x86_64-boost
on it.
I provided a minimal example of c++ with boost which I will build using the command g++ main.cpp -o main.exe -lboost_program_options-mt
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
namespace po = boost::program_options;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Arguments will be stored here
std::string input;
std::string output;
// Configure options here
po::options_description desc ("Allowed options");
desc.add_options ()
("help,h", "print usage message")
("input,i", po::value(&input), "Input file")
("output,o", po::value(&output), "Output file");
// Parse command line arguments
po::variables_map vm;
po::store (po::command_line_parser (argc, argv).options (desc).run (), vm);
po::notify (vm);
// Check if there are enough args or if --help is given
if (vm.count ("help") || !vm.count ("input") || !vm.count ("output")) {
std::cerr << desc << "\n";
return 1;
std::cout << "The rest of the code will be here"; <- Indication that it is working
It compiles and links without logging an error when I ran the said command, but now when I try to run it, it just doesn't execute properly.
At the least, I was expecting to see the text The rest of the code will be here
to be outputted to the console when I ran it as an indication that it is being executed, however it didn't output it:
I tried to debug it, but GDB
itself can't debug it
This is what it looks like in the VSCode Debug Console:
Running a separate GBD on the command line:
With all of that said, I am assuming that this is a linker error given that the resulting executable is being outputted by the compiler. What are your thoughts regarding this problem?
Yooo! I fixed the issue.
I first tried to run it on a fresh virtual machine to cross out the possibility that this issue is caused by my current environment. Surprisingly enough, it worked perfectly fine on the virtual machine. Knowing that it only happens in my current environment, I did proceed to make the following changes ().
To do step 2 follow these steps (windows 10):
on Msys2