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How to get Microsoft Teams card to display correctly

I'm building a Microsoft Teams app with the botbuilder in typescript. Everything is working fine except the UI is not matching exactly what I want. Im using an adaptive card to render my responses to the user and typically the adaptive card has a top border (seen below is black) but mine doesnt have it and i'm trying to figure out how i can make it work.

I want my card to have the black border on top as shown here for in github's bot: See image

This is what mine currently shows: see image

below is my code to render the card. What i'm i doing wrong?

  await context.sendActivity({ attachments: [
      "$schema": "",
      "version": "1.0",
      "msteams": {
        "width": "Full"
      "body": [
          "type": "TextBlock",
          "text": "My card doesnt have the border.",
          "wrap": true
  ] });


  • I finally figured out the solution. I had to the office 365 connector card to get that color strip. FINALLY!

    Here's the code sample for Nodejs/typescript:

          "title": "card title",
          "text": "card text",
          "summary": "O365 card summary",
          "themeColor": "#E67A9E",
          "sections": [
                  "text": "This is some <strong>bold</strong> text"
                  "text": "This is some <em>italic</em> text"
                  "text": "This is some <strike>strikethrough</strike> text"
                  "text": "<h1>Header 1</h1>\r<h2>Header 2</h2>\r <h3>Header 3</h3>"
                  "text": "bullet list <ul><li>text</li><li>text</li></ul>"
                  "text": "ordered list <ol><li>text</li><li>text</li></ol>"
                  "text": "hyperlink <a href=\"\">Bing</a>"
                  "text": "embedded image <img src=\"\" alt=\"Duck on a rock\"></img>"
                  "text": "preformatted text <pre>text</pre>"
                  "text": "Paragraphs <p>Line a</p><p>Line b</p>"
                  "text": "<blockquote>Blockquote text</blockquote>"