I am trying to upload reel with Graph API using Python. I'm getting an error every time I try to upload video.
{"debug_info": {"retriable":false,"type":"NotAuthorizedError","message":"User not authorized to perform this request"}}
Note: I have given every possible permission to my app and page.
import requests
import os
import json
Title ="Title of the video"
title = Title
description = title
source = f"F:\proj_ytTofb\downloads\{Title}.mp4"
files = {'source': open(source, 'rb')}
file_size = os.path.getsize(source)
print("File Size is :", file_size, "bytes")
def Initialize():
url = f"https://graph.facebook.com/v13.0/{page_id}/video_reels?upload_phase=start"
payload = {
'access_token': token,
r = requests.post(url, data = payload)
return r.json()["video_id"]
def Upload():
url = f"https://rupload.facebook.com/video-upload/v15.0/{video_id}"
payload ={
'access_token': token,
'offset': 0,
'file_size': file_size,
r = requests.post(url, files=files, data=payload)
return r.text
{"debug_info":{"retriable":false,"type":"NotAuthorizedError","message":"User not authorized to perform this request"}}
Your Upload code seem bit wrong if you refer on documentation
def Upload(vidid, size, filedata):
url = f"https://rupload.facebook.com/video-upload/v13.0/{vidid}"
payloadUp = {
'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + page_access_token,
'offset': "0",
'file_size': str(size),
r = requests.post(url, data=filedata, headers=payloadUp)
return r.text
with parameter like this
files = {'source': open(mp4_path, 'rb')}
file_size = os.path.getsize(mp4_path)
and then you called it like this
Upload(video_id, file_size, files)
Note: I successfully upload it on fb reels and published it, but I dont what happen the video failed to convert without error notice.