Currently I have a function getFP :: IO [String] -> Maybe (FilePath)
. What I want to do is something equivalent for getFP [] = Nothing
if the argument was a non IO string. How could I do this? Thank you :p
IO [String]
is an action that can produce [String]
. There’s no way to convert it to a pure value Maybe FilePath
, but you can easily combine it with a pure function to get another action. One way is to write it out in do
notation. For example, suppose you want the first path:
getFP :: IO [String] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getFP action = do
strings <- action
case strings of
path : _ -> pure (Just path)
[] -> pure Nothing
This might be used like getFP loadPaths
where loadPaths
is some action like lines <$> readFile "paths.txt"
that returns a list of file paths. However, it’s more common to take a pure value as an argument instead of an action, if you’re just going to run that action immediately anyway.
getFP :: [String] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getFP strings =
case strings of
path : _ -> pure (Just path)
[] -> pure Nothing
That would be called as getFP =<< loadPaths
Now there’s no need for IO
in getFP
, since the only IO
action it uses is pure
getFP :: [String] -> Maybe FilePath
getFP strings =
case strings of
path : _ -> Just path
[] -> Nothing
This can be used like getFP <$> loadPaths
. (Furthermore, in this example it’s now equivalent to the standard function listToMaybe
from Data.List