Is there a way to make an unilateral m-to-n relation or must both collections have each other's ids? I'm trying to do something like this:
model Country {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
name String @unique
users User[]
model User {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
userName String @unique
countryIds String[] @db.ObjectId
countries Country[] @relation(fields: [countryIds], references: [id])
// ....
But prisma is making me add another field to Country
to store the users ids... Like this:
model Country {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
name String @unique
userIds String[] @db.ObjectId
users Player[] @relation(fields: [userIds], references: [id])
I don't need that data and it's not logically needed. Is there any way to bypass that? Any workaround?
After some testing I've found that if I leave that userIds field, even though it does not exist in any document, the user's countries could still be correctly queried. The only drawback(not really) is that I can't query the users from the countries. But I guess it makes sense since if I actually needed to query them, adding the userIds relation to the country would also make sense. The actual problem is the error that doesn't let me build/run the code without userIds even though it works fine without it.
My schema ended up like this @Min Somai:
model Country {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
name String @unique
userIds String[] @db.ObjectId
users User[] @relation(fields: [countryIds], references: [id])
model User {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
userName String @unique
countryIds String[] @db.ObjectId
countries Country[] @relation(fields: [countryIds], references: [id])
// ....