How to add Bearer token Authorization in Retrofit Flutter.
Here is Retrofit Service
@RestApi(baseUrl: "https://***.****.xyz/api/")
abstract class ApiService{
factory ApiService(Dio dio) => _ApiService(dio);
Future<AuthModel> login(@Body() Map<String,dynamic> map);
Future<AuthModel> singup(@Body() Map<String,dynamic> map);
Future<UserModel> getUser( @Path() String id);
And Then Create Dio and add into GetIt and insert into ApiService.
var getIt = GetIt.I;
void locator(){
Dio dio = Dio();
getIt.registerLazySingleton(() => dio);
ApiService apiService = ApiService(;
getIt.registerLazySingleton(() => apiService);
Repository repository = Repository(;
getIt.registerLazySingleton(() => repository);
LoginCubit loginCubit = LoginCubit(;
getIt.registerLazySingleton(() => loginCubit);
GetProfileCubit getProfileCubit = GetProfileCubit(;
getIt.registerLazySingleton(() => getProfileCubit);
and Create Repository
class Repository{
final ApiService _apiService;
Future<AuthModel> logIn(Map<String,dynamic> map) => _apiService.login(map);
Future<AuthModel> singUp(Map<String,dynamic> map) => _apiService.singup(map);
Future<UserModel> getUser(String id) => _apiService.getUser(id);
Please answer my question sir. Sorry for my english.
This is not the optimal way but this should work fine.
Change your ApiService
class as follows:
@RestApi(baseUrl: "https://***.****.xyz/api/")
abstract class ApiService{
.... same code ....
Future<UserModel> getUser(
@Header('Authorization') String token,
@Path() String id
.... same code ....
Also change your Repository
class Repository{
.... same code ...
//// Pass token as a parameter
///// Add Bearer before your token
Future<UserModel> getUser(String token, String id) =>
_apiService.getUser('Bearer $token',id);
Happy Coding TT