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Why ist setuptools not installing install_requires

My Python package is installed using setuptools configured with a setup.cfg file. In it requirements are specified:

packages = find:
zip_safe = True
include_package_data = True
install_requires =
    gmsh >= 4.10.5
    matplotlib >= 3.6.1
    numpy >= 1.23.3

When installing the package via pip the package to a fresh venv non of the requirements are installed. The output of pip show no errors or related information. However, once manually installing them everything works fine. How can I get pip to actually install the requirements?


  • It is mentioned in the comments that you have a pyproject.toml file. If you use the toml configuration then you do not need the setup.cfg at all. Delete the setup.cfg and add in pyproject.toml:

    requires = ["setuptools"]
    build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
    name = ...
    version = ...
    dependencies = [
        "gmsh >= 4.10.5",
        "matplotlib >= 3.6.1",
        "numpy >= 1.23.3",