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rabbitmqadmin == createChannel OR rabbitmqadmin == createConfirmChannel

When I send a message to a queue using 'rabbitmqadmin' the response is 'Message published', is this a confirmed delivery?

From node for some important operations I use 'createConfirmChannel' and I want to do the same from bash

In the rabbitmq documentation I have read that the only way to make a secure submission is to confirm the channel. I imagine that 'Message published' does not confirm the delivery of the message, but I can't find any information.


  • Interesting question, so I decided to look at the source code for rabbitmqadmin

    Please note that rabbitmqadmin uses the HTTP API to publish messages so it should not be used where performance is important.

    Here is where the HTTP request is processed and the message is published: source

    Note that these lines use which means that publisher confirms are enabled: source

    So yes, the deliveries are confirmed.