I have a Java web application running on Tomcat 9.
It uses the tools: Primefaces 10, JSF 2, CDI, EclipseLink.
This application is modularized as follows:
I created another modules
where the "restful module" is the jsersey restful webservice.
I need to incorporate to this webservice the "service", "dao" and "model" modules.
The classes in the service and dao modules are invoked by the application through dependency injection (CDI)
I need my restful webservice to execute the dependency injections of these modules
I configured the dependency injections with concrete classes, classes implementing interfaces and classes implementing interfaces using generics.
public class MyApplicationBinder extends AbstractBinder {
// mapping dependency injection with jersey
protected void configure() {
//bind(MicroserviceDataImpl.class).to(MicroserviceDataImpl.class); // concrete class
//bind(MicroserviceDataImpl.class).to(MicroserviceData.class); // class implementing interface
bind(CaracteristicaMS.class).to(new TypeLiteral<Microservice<CaracteristicaDTO>>(){}); // classe implementing interface with generics
bind(MotivoMS.class).to(new TypeLiteral<Microservice<MotivoDTO>>(){});
My resource class is:
@RequestScoped @Path("/caracteristica")
public class CaracteristicaRestful {
private Microservice<CaracteristicaDTO> cms;
// other attributes and methods
My microservice class is
public class CaracteristicaMS implements Microservice<CaracteristicaDTO>, Serializable {
@Inject @DaoType(TipoClasse.CARACTERISTICA)
private Dao<Caracteristica> cd;
// others attributes and methods
My dao class is
@Dependent @Default @DaoType(value = TipoClasse.CARACTERISTICA)
public class CaracteristicaDaoImpl extends AbsDao<Caracteristica> implements Dao<Caracteristica>, Serializable {
@NotNull @Inject @PersistenceUnitNameType(CADMAT_PU)
EntityManagerFactory emf;
// others attributes and methods
The qualifiers are:
@Qualifier @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE, METHOD, FIELD, PARAMETER})
public @interface DaoType {
public TipoClasse value();
@Qualifier @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE, METHOD, FIELD, PARAMETER})
public @interface PersistenceUnitNameType {
public String value();
But my modules use classes that implement interfaces using generics and qualifiers.
I need to configure the bind of these classes in MyApplicationBinder.class with the qualifier, but I don't know how.
Can anybody help me?
I solved the problem adding a Qualifier.class, and declaring my "qualifiedBy(Annotation) class in there.
public class Qualifier {
public static class CaracteristicaMicroservice extends AnnotationLiteral<MicroserviceType> implements MicroserviceType {
public TipoClasse value() {
return TipoClasse.CARACTERISTICA;
and in MyApplicationBinder.class I declared the bind like this:
bind(CaracteristicaMS.class).to(new TypeLiteral<Microservice<CaracteristicaDTO>>(){}).qualifiedBy(new Qualifier.CaracteristicaMicroservice());