On Pandas, we can group by a categorical series and then when aggregating, it displays all the categories, regardless it contains any records or not.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"Age": [12, 20, 40, 60, 72]}, dtype=np.float64)
cuts = pd.cut(df.Age, bins=[0, 11, 30, 60])
df.Age.groupby(cuts).agg(mean="mean", occurrences="size")
# mean occurrences
# Age
# (0, 11] NaN 0
# (11, 30] 16.0 2
# (30, 60] 50.0 2
As you can see, the first bin is displayed even though it does not appear in the dataset. How could I achieve the same behaviour on PySpark?
The following is quite much, but I'm not aware of any nicer method.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([(12,), (20,), (40,), (60,), (72,)], ['Age'])
bins = [0, 11, 30, 60]
conds = F
for i, b in enumerate(bins[1:]):
conds = conds.when(F.col('id') <= b, f'({bins[i]}, {b}]')
df2 = spark.range(1, bins[-1]+1).withColumn('_grp', conds)
df = df2.join(df, df2.id == df.Age, 'left')
df = df.groupBy(F.col('_grp').alias('Age')).agg(
# +--------+----+-----------+
# | Age|mean|occurrences|
# +--------+----+-----------+
# |(11, 30]|16.0| 2|
# | (0, 11]|null| 0|
# |(30, 60]|50.0| 2|
# +--------+----+-----------+