I would like to use awk
to filter out a multi valued column.
My data is two columned with the delimiter ;
. The second column has three float values separated with white spaces.
randUni15799:1;0.00 0.00 0.00
randUni1785:1;0.00 0.00 0.00
randUni18335:1;0.00 0.00 0.00
randUni18368:1;223.67 219.17 0.00
randUni18438:1;43.71 38.71 1.52
What I want to achieve is the following. I want to filter all rows that the first and second value of the second column is bigger than 200.
randUni18368:1;223.67 219.17 0.00
Update: With help from the comments, I tried this and worked
awk -F ";" '{split($2, a, " "); if (a[1] > 200 && a[2] > 200) print}'
One awk
awk -F';' '{ n=split($2,a,/[[:space:]]+/) # split 2nd field on spaces; place values in array a[]
if (a[1] > 200 && a[2] > 200) # if 1st and 2nd array entries > 200 then ...
print # print current line to stdout
' randum.dat
# or as a one-liner
awk -F';' '{ n=split($2,a,/[[:space:]]+/); if (a[1] > 200 && a[2] > 200) print}' randum.dat
# reduced further based on OP's comments/questoins:
awk -F';' '{ split($2,a," "); if (a[1] > 200 && a[2] > 200) print}' randum.dat
This generates:
randUni18368:1;223.67 219.17 0.00