Search code examples

How to remove WITH clauses Oracle query

I have a query where I have to remove the WITH clauses and it still have to return the same results. One of the clauses should go in to Join I guess and the other one in having ? Am I in a right direction...

Any suggestion

 with  QA_m as( 
    select adr_id, max(eff_ts)as EFF_TS 
    from addr group by adr_id)
    QA_address as(select q.adr_id,q.EFF_TS,d.COUNTRY_ID,,d.POST_CODE,d.STREET,d.UNIT_NBR,d.ADL_INFO
     from QA_m q join ADDR d
     on q.adr_id=d.adr_id and q.EFF_TS=d.EFF_TS)
        c.SRGT_KEY_VAL as Customer_id, 
        CAST(i.EFF_TS as date) as "EFF_DT",
        '9999-12-31' as END_DT,
        'N' as DEL_IND,
        'I' as CUSTOMER_TYPE,
        case when ctr.NAME = 'Canada' then 'Y'
                 else 'N' 
                     END as RESIDENCE_FLAG,
        NVL(,'N/A') as country,
        NVL((trim(TITLE) ||' '||trim(FIRST_NAME)||' '||trim(LAST_NAME)),' ') as NAME,
        NVL((trim(CITY)||' '||trim(POST_CODE)||' '||trim(STREET)||' '||trim(UNIT_NBR)||' '||trim(ADL_INFO)),' ') as ADDRESS,
        case when i.BIRTH_DATE=TO_date('9999-12-31') then NULL
                 else TRUNC(months_between(sysdate, i.BIRTH_DATE) / 12) 
                     end AGE,
        case when substr(GENDER,1,1) = 'M' then 'M'
             when substr(GENDER,1,1) = 'm' then 'M'
             when substr(GENDER,1,1) = 'F' then 'F'
             when substr(GENDER,1,1) = 'f' then 'F'
                 else NULL 
                     end as GENDER,
        NULL as VAT_NUMBER,
        NULL as BRANCH,
        NULL as EMPLOYEES                                      
    from IDV i 
        join CSTMR_SRGT_KEY c
            on i.IDV_ID=c.ntrl_key_val 
        left join QA_address B
            on i.adr_ID=b.adr_id 
       left join COUNTRY ctr
            on ctr.COUNTRY_ID=b.COUNTRY_ID
    where SRC_STM_ID = 100
        and i.END_TS='9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999000'  
        and i.DEL_IND='N';


  • These are subqueries, so - just put them into appropriate places (see comments which indicate that):

    SELECT c.srgt_key_val AS customer_id,
           CAST (i.eff_ts AS DATE) AS "EFF_DT",
           '9999-12-31' AS end_dt,
           'N' AS del_ind,
           'I' AS customer_type,
           CASE WHEN = 'Canada' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS residence_flag,
           NVL (, 'N/A') AS country,
           NVL (
              (   TRIM (title)
               || ' '
               || TRIM (first_name)
               || ' '
               || TRIM (last_name)),
              ' ') AS name,
           NVL (
              (   TRIM (city)
               || ' '
               || TRIM (post_code)
               || ' '
               || TRIM (street)
               || ' '
               || TRIM (unit_nbr)
               || ' '
               || TRIM (adl_info)),
              ' ') AS address,
              WHEN i.birth_date = TO_DATE ('9999-12-31') THEN NULL
              ELSE TRUNC (MONTHS_BETWEEN (SYSDATE, i.birth_date) / 12)
           END age,
              WHEN SUBSTR (gender, 1, 1) = 'M' THEN 'M'
              WHEN SUBSTR (gender, 1, 1) = 'm' THEN 'M'
              WHEN SUBSTR (gender, 1, 1) = 'F' THEN 'F'
              WHEN SUBSTR (gender, 1, 1) = 'f' THEN 'F'
              ELSE NULL
           END AS gender,
           NULL AS vat_number,
           NULL AS branch,
           NULL AS employees
      FROM idv i
           JOIN cstmr_srgt_key c ON i.idv_id = c.ntrl_key_val
           LEFT JOIN (                                   --> this is QA_address
                      SELECT q.adr_id,
                        FROM (                           --> this is QA_m  
                              SELECT adr_id, MAX (eff_ts) AS eff_ts
                                  FROM addr
                              GROUP BY adr_id) q
                             JOIN addr d
                                ON     q.adr_id = d.adr_id
                                   AND q.eff_ts = d.eff_ts) b
              ON i.adr_id = b.adr_id
           LEFT JOIN country ctr ON ctr.country_id = b.country_id
     WHERE     src_stm_id = 100
           AND i.end_ts = '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999000'
           AND i.del_ind = 'N';